- Global /post command should be used as much as possible in english so everyone can understand you and for commercial purposes only such as selling / buying / trading items, looking for party or party members, guild recruitment, general information about the game, non-vulgar discussions. For more personal discussions between two players or small groups of friends kindly make use of the features that this game provides such as whispering, in-game mail or guild/alliance/gens chat so you won't disturb the other players.
1. You are not allowed to use any kind of harmful softwares that may influence the game
- Not allowed to use cheats, hacks, dupes, accelerators, etc.
Not allowed to abuse bugs or errors in the game.
Not allowed to abuse ranking system such as Guild Wars, Voting, etc.
By creating an account on Eternal MU you agree to report any errors encountered in the game or on website.
Penalty: Permanent account suspension and if necessary permanent suspension of all associated accounts
- 2. Not allowed to buy or sell items for real money, virtual currencies, cards, vouchers, skins, etc
No third party trading
You are not allowed to comercialize, give, receive, or trade accounts.
You are not allowed to trade accounts, characters or items for real money or any virtual currencies such as load, vouchers, cards, dota skins, csgo skins, etc
- All registered accounts, items and any of our server related information are all property of the server owners. If you are caught buying, selling and trading items for real money or trading it to another gaming servers outside our server(s) website(s), forum(s) and in-game it will result in being banned permanently. This simply means, if we find you selling our server(s) properties in any of the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, any gaming forum, or any buy, sell and trading website etc. your character(s) and account(s) will be banned permanently without notice.
- Penalty: Temporary, followed by permanent account suspension and if necessary permanent suspension of all associated accounts.
3. Abusive Language
Abusive Language Rules
- Not allowed to discriminate players because of their birth place, physical condition, mentality, sexual, religious or political orientation or use offensive words towards their families
- Any insults related to country, race, tribe or religion are bannable in all messaging systems (whispers, normal chat, /post or mail inbox)
Any insults that involves directly the family members (mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, fiance, husband or wife) are bannable in all messaging systems (whispers, normal chat, /post or mail inbox). No exception! Family members should not be included in your insults.
Any kind of vulgar words posted in /post will result in your character or account being temporarily muted or suspended depending on how serious were the words being used.
-If anyone insults any players with foul words such as “F**k you”, “A**hole”, “C*nt”, “Tw*t”, B**ch”, etc using whisper, PMs or normal chat is NOT considered bannable. The ONLY time these words are bannable is when the player uses vulgar words on /post, otherwise feel free to use the block chat feature that the game comes with, available upon opening the chat window and block incoming chat from that person.
Don't try to push limits by doing something you were told not to, don't be rude to users/moderators/admins just because you feel entitled to something.
- Penalty: Temporarily character and / or account suspension, depending on the severity of the insult.
4. Account security
- The user will use his own email to register since this is the way to recognize you as account holder.
It is your responsability to keep this information secret.
If you lose your email you will not be able to change your personal information or receive support.
We are not responsible for the security of your account and we advice you not to share personal accounts to any family members or friends.
Members must ensure that the site you use to login is the real server website and not a scam one
Any problems arising from sharing your account(s), password or personal information in any Internet Cafe or other places are the sole responsibility of the registered member
Do not give away your login information no matter who that person is. The moment you give away your login information or personal information you basically gave away all the items that you have, including the account itself. Infraction of this rule is done at your own risk
Penalty: Cease of technical support. Optional and preventive suspension of the account.
5. Offensive or discriminatory names and simillar names to staff members or server name are not allowed
- This rule is also available for guild names.
You may not impersonate or present yourself to be a representative of the server staffs.
You may not use a short form or a name shortcut that is simillar to staff members or server name.
- Penalty: Permanent suspension of the character, or account. Guild deletion.
6. Disrespect towards our server or staff members or spreading false rumours is not allowed
- The user does not despises our work, or insult our staff.
Spreading false rumours is prohibited and will lead to permanent ban, you must provide evidences and contact the right authorized person to handle your report.
Any server negative comments shall be punished. You can make a common sense suggestion, there is no need to be a hater and disrespect our work.
Penalty: Permanent suspension of the account, IP and / or associated accounts
7. Fraud or theft attempts are not allowed
- The fraud and / or theft attempts must be reported through screnshot (s) to be valid as evidence.
Sending reports with edited screenshots will be considered an attempt to scam the server administration.
Read our report rules before making a complaint.
Penalty: Permanent suspension of the account and / or associated accounts if necessary.
8. Not allowed to advertise other servers or websites
- Public disclosure of other mu servers, sites, gaming servers, non-gaming related websites, pornography or download of any kinds is not allowed.
You are not allowed to advertise other MU server rankings or guide that do not affiliate with our servers
You are not allowed to advertise other gaming servers and non-gaming related websites
Penalty: Permanent suspension of the account.
9. The user will not take responsabilities, or act as a Game Master, or as Admin
- Do not ask for privileges from administrators.
Do not deceive others posing as a friend, relative or acquaintance of the administrators.
Do not take proper attributions of a Game Master (suspend account, block characters, award prizes, etc).
Penalty: Permanent account suspension and if necessary permanent suspension of all associated accounts.
10. Server donations
- We appreciate your donations as they keep the server running but this isn't going to make you a special person in-game or forum. If donors violate the rules, they can still get banned just like any normal characters even if they donated a hundred times. Everyone is treated equally in our servers.
All donations are made by members who donated in our servers in their own free will. This means, we did not ask or force you to donate in our servers.
Any donations made to the server are non-refundable, charging back will be considered scam and will lead to permanent account suspension.
All donations are being rewarded with in-game virtual curency.
Buying credits and donations are both different things. We do not sell tangible products but we only accept donations made willingly by the user of the account.
If you have donated once or 100 times, it doesn't matter, you are still equal with any other player(s) who hasn't donated at all.
If for any reason a donator gets banned, all items in his account(s) will be blocked along with the account. It will also not be returned to him/her under any circumstances.
Penalty for demanding privileges or chargeback: Permanent Account Suspension.